States of Motion Experience: CGI OR DIE


Max Brückner

Student: Max Brückner
Work: Liquid Night

Cilantro (Original Mix) - H.O.S.H.

Genre: Visual Music
Length: 4:12
Format: MOV 720p
Production techique:
Adobe After Effects

I’ve listened to a lot of electronic-music mixes on Youtube the past years and a lot of them have moving animations. These animations are mostly very eye-catching but also seem to be quite simple to produce, because they go on for hours. Their colors and patterns change, but it seems like they are edited together with only a hand full of effects. Additionally some parts of the the animations react to the audio. This is mostly done with software that can set keyframes by analyzing the sound wave of the audio track.

Because the combination of music and visuals has a strong effect on me and I want to be able to produce this sort of content in the future, creating a short „visual music“ piece was the perfect project for this seminar.

Additional outcomes of this
seminar include my first clip created 
 with Adobe After Effects and also my first “cinemagraph”